SecDev accepts Practitioners' Session Abstracts (PSA) or Posters. Please show the names and affiliations of authors, i.e., submissions not anonymized.

For PSA, the submission deadline is July 20th (FIRM). At least one co-author needs to be from the industry or government, i.e., abstracts with all university authors are not qualified for PSA.

The PSA presentation will likely be around 10 minutes. (This is the first year we organize this session; we won't know the talk length until after the submission.) In addition, accepted PSA abstracts will also be invited to present as posters at the Poster Session on the first day of the conference (on Sept. 30).

For Poster, the submission deadline is August 8th (FIRM). Please add "POSTER:" to the title of a poster submission. Remember to check the "Poster" box on the submission form.

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The deadline for registering submissions has passed.